Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Don't Be Fooled Again!!!

Hello everybody this is a probably going to be one of my favorite posts of all time. Do not get upset that I will call it how it is either! Anyway, it's that time of year again for everyone to start making the New Year's resolutions and will most likely be trying to make a change in their life. This year along with your resolutions I would like to you to also challenge yourselves. Challenge yourself to step outside the box and do something different when it comes to your fitness resolutions.

The fitness industry is kind of in a weird time and if you really asked my I would say that it is a complete disaster. There thousands and thousands of gyms on the corners and yet everyone is still fat. Weird...The big box gyms are charging $10 a month and the 24-Hour facilities are charging $1 to sign up and they competing to see who has the best equipment and to see who can get people fatter if you ask me. This year do not be fooled.

There so many products, gyms, guru's, fitness methods, and supplements out there that it really kind of makes things difficult for people to choose from.Everyone always resorts back to just your basic gym membership where they go sign up at the cheapest gym and go for about a month or two and do not gain anything from their experience. Do not keep repeating the same cycle over and over year after year. If you go to a place and do the same routine each week, if you do the same weight lifting routine each day, if you use the same equipment, if you do the same damn dance class, or if you do your arm and abs workouts on Friday, then I would say that you have wasted your money. Ask yourself, what do I want to gain from my next experience. What do you want to learn? What do you want to accomplish? If your asking yourself how much something costs then your head is not in the right place.

I cannot think or speak for everyone, but this would be my mindset this year. Take a look at your past few years of experiences with fitness resolutions. What did you learn last year? What did you accomplish? Did you get the Results that you were looking for? I would also ask yourself this..Would I rather give $30-$40 a month to a corporate a**hole who has no idea who I am or would I rather give my money  to a young passionate "fitness professional" who actually cares about my well being. Invest your money in yourself. Not the gyms. Do not be a CHEAP SKATE and go invest roughly $100-$150 a month in something that can only  make you better and healthier. Find a small studio that focuses on all aspects of fitness, wellness, and nutrition. Research a place that has been established in your area and that has created a good quality culture where everyone who is there is working toward the same goals.

The times have changed. Fitness is being changed right now as are sitting here reading this. What do you want? What do you need? Do you want to keep seeing the same machines year after year in gyms that literally will do nothing to better yourself? Like I said before. If you asking about how much it cost per are being a CHEAP SKATE. Invest $100-$150 a month in your health. If you think that you cannot afford something like this then take a look at your lifestyle. Stop eating out. Stop drinking on the weekends. Stop going to Starbucks everyday for a coffee. Don't buy a car you don't need or can't afford. Things will add up quickly to find the money. And again don't be a CHEAP SKATE. The time is now to invest in your health. If you don't now then you will be spending $75,000 on a hip or knee replacement when your 60.

Do it differently this year. Challenge your mind, your body, and your well-being. Make yourself better each day. Get better and stronger each month. Set records and get results with the help that you know you need, but are too cheap to go after.

If you are in the Milwaukee/Brookfield/Tosa/Pewaukee area go check out AXIOM Health and Fitness. My good buddy Luke is rocking the scene and has been doing it for years now. He has changed the way fitness is being done way before anyone else has in that area.When it comes to training he is as good as it gets.

If you are in Kenosha. Check out Kenosha Body Boot Camp. Shane Frazier an old classmate of mine at UW Parkside.He was the first one Kenosha to change the scene there. He is doing good things there. (My mom has been a client of his for a few years.)

Also check out Kenosha Personal Training. I do know anyone at this studio, but I have done a little research on what they are doing and it looks like they do a good job.

If you are in the Northbrook,Il area then I would look up Mark Cibrario. Owner of the Trainer's Club. Mark is one of the most respected people in the industry today and has been listed as one of country's top personal trainers for a few years according to Men's Health magazine. (Old baseball friend of mine)

Otherwise look into other small training studios into your area. Take the leap this year and invest your time, money, and sweat into your health. Ask questions and do your RESEARCH as I have continued to learn from my father in law. Make sure the place is going to do a movement screen on you. Make sure they are going to keep assessing you. Make sure they are tracking your progress and coaching you on nutrition. If you go to a place and they aren't talking about Metabolic Resistance Training or focusing on functional movement then I would walk out the door.

Make it happen. Go to a professional. The machines aren't going to do it for you. Only you can do it for yourself. Hope this helps people out as they are getting ready for the New Year plans. Get it right this year!


1 comment:

  1. Great points, John. People put time into shopping for a car, furniture or whatever rather than focusing on their health/fitness or making sure they will have healthy aging. It's all a matter of prioritizing what is important in their lives.
