Friday, January 13, 2012

Life Is Like A Sport!

Happy Friday to all. It's been a very busy start to the new year and all of my clients have been rockin with all of their training sessions. I always appreciate people who want to put the work in to make changes in their life. Which is what this post is about. People who want to make a change need to know that the need to put the work in.

Life is like a sport. There are many obstacles and roads bumps along the way that need to be overcome to keep moving forward. It baffles me everyday about the weight loss journey for people. We today as a society are so damn lazy. Everyone wants the easy way to out to make more money, lose the weight, or get stronger and leaner. You're overweight because of your own lifestyle. It's not genetics. Your metabolism is not slow because you were born with a slow metabolism. It's slow because more than likely you made it slow. You're not getting stronger because of you. You're not getting leaner because of you. You're not getting smarter because of you. You're making more money because of you.

I've learned these past few months that my own fate is in my own hands. The life that I want to live is up to me. If I want to make more money, I need to go find more clients. How do I get more clients? I need to master my craft. I need to invest my own time, energy, money in myself to help pay myself back. The better and better I get at what I do, the more money I will make. It's that simple. If I refused to continue my education I will not make anymore money.  If you refuse  put the time in at your will not get promoted. If you do not go get a master's degree..your odds decrease of making more money. If Tom Brady does not put the extra work in studying film..he would not be Tom Brady.

The same thing applies in someone's own fitness journey. If you do the same thing over and over. You will not get any better. If you do not invest in your own health you will not become any healthier. If you are comfortable in your own workouts...your body will not change.  Why would you hire a lawyer? A lawyer would do the work for you in half the time then what you could do it in. Same thing here.. why would you hire a fitness professional? Because they guide you in the right direction in half the time you would by trying to do it on your own with you sitting on machines all day long.

I met a gentlemen this week who is looking to do a 120 day "Restore His Health Challenge." He has reached out to me and asked for guidance. He will documenting his research during his journey and will be publishing it for other research studies. He is a professor at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater and is in the Communications department there. He is willing to step outside of the box and ask for help because he is smart enough to figure out that there is someone out there that has a strategy in place to help him achieve success. In sports, players have to buy into a coaching system for that system to work. If you do not buy into that will have one hell of a season. Aaron Rodgers would not be Aaron Rodgers if he did not buy into the system. He would not be where is today if he didn't overcome adversity and challenge himself to get better each day. I give this professor a lot credit because he could have said I know what to do and tried to do it on his own. He is investing in himself to make himself better. He wants to get stronger, leaner, healthier and to make changes in his life.

The journey to true health and fitness is so much more than going for a walk, or jog, or lifting weights. Ask a matter of fact I could careless how much someone benches, or how far you can run, or that you have lost 30lbs on your own. What I think is matters the most is...What did you get out of your experience? Did you accomplish something that you haven't accomplished before? Did you get yourself stronger than you already are? Did you put yourself on another level? Did you make yourself a better person? Did you get back up after you got knocked down? Did you truly make yourself better? What can you do next to improve upon what you already have done? That's the mindset of an athlete. Someone who is involved with athletics shouldn't settle for mediocrity. You shouldn't settle for just getting to playoffs. You want to win the whole damn thing!!!

The problem that most people run into is that once they think they have reach their fitness goals, then they have achieved true health and fitness. Wrong mindset...You mindset should be...What am I going to accomplish next? Will I step outside the box to make myself better this year? Once Drew Brees won his first Super Bowl, I'd be willing to bet that he didn't say, I am comfortable with what I did this past year to win a a championship, so I am going to do the same thing this next year! Yea right....the game plan will surely be changing. If you accomplish 40 push-ups..your strategy will not be the same to get to 80 push ups. It won't work. The body is too smart.

Whether you are lifting weights, doing marathons, on weight loss journey...never be satisfied. Always want more. If you stop feeding your will begin to crumble! Take a challenge. Invest your time and your money into something else. Get knocked down and get your ass right back up! Brett Farve didn't get knocked down...that old dude wanted to keep coming back and shove it right down Green Bay's throat! (Spoken like a true Bear Fan!)

Train Hard and Get Better!



  1. Love this post. Nice job Johnnie :)

  2. Nice post...changing one's mindset is the greatest obstacle. One minor comment...Brett Favre probably thought he shoved it down Green Bay's throat...but in reality they got rid of him at the ideal time and got Aaron Rodgers to sign a long term contract. Green Bay got another super bowl win so far out of the deal.

  3.'ve convinced me to ratch it up another notch! Great post!
